Saturday, October 25, 2008

Guitar Center December Flyer

It begins!!!

As the launch of Ben's new album draws ever closer, 633 Music, Laguna Guitars, and Guitar Center announce a huge promotional push.

A full page insert with Ben and his Laguna guitar will be sent out with the December catalog to Guitar Center's huge data base of catalog customers.


"I am so very proud to be working with Laguna and Guitar Center, music begins at Guitar Center, and I am ALL about the music"!! Ben Robinson

Ben chose to play the Laguna guitar line, both electric and acoustic.

"I can play, and have played whatever I wanted, and I chose Laguna, I had no idea that it would lead to anything with Guitar Center, I just loved the guitar"!

Ben's new album was recorded with Laguna guitar's.

Go get one, they are fantastic and affordable, which means you will have a lot left over for Ben's album and gear!!

Peace and Love to you all!

From Ben Robinson and the 633 Staff

Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Latest Press, Octoter 4th 2008

The latest press!
Home-grown prodigy’s first full-grown album; Former child blues star hopes to shed kiddie image with new album

Courtesy photo. Temecula’s own Ben Robinson will release his new album, “The Ben Robinson Band,” Oct. 15. Peter Surowski Valley News Staff

Friday, October 3rd, 2008. Issue 40, Volume 8.

Longtime Temecula residents may remember Ben Robinson. He was the 10-year-old guitar shredder in a band full of grown-ups who could barely keep up with him.

He drew national attention from 1998 to 2000, when he appeared on numerous television shows including “Late Night with David Letterman” and then began making music regularly for Nickelodeon.

He played with such guitar legends as Guitar Shorty and such rock giants as Warrant. Then, as he entered his teen years he almost disappeared from public sight.

Now he is 22 years old and releasing the first album of his adult career.

His album, aptly titled “The Ben Robinson Band,” is a world apart from the music of his child prodigy years.

The album is calmer and more varied than his previous self-produced album, titled “I Told You So,” which he recorded in 1999 when he was 12 years old.

“I Told You So” featured only cover tracks of famed blues musicians such as Stevie Ray Vaughn. Robinson’s new album, however, will feature original songs exclusively.

“We had no idea it would come out like this. We had no clue,” Robinson said of the new direction his music has taken.

The direction change is natural, he said, because his musical tastes are more varied. “My iPod has a lot more on it than Stevie Ray Vaughan,” he said.

Robinson likes the new direction, he said, because it allows him more ways in which he can express himself.

“I really, not only got out of the blues, but started hearing myself in a whole new category,” he said. “I like the direction it’s going in. Blues is an expressive style but you can only express so much.”

The guitars on the new album play a subdued backup role to his vocals, which is a bold step for a person known for his high-flying fret board gymnastics.

Each song on the new album conveys a unique interpretation on numerous styles.

With the gospel-esque choir and slowly arpeggiated chords, “Blue Sky” could have come right from a Pink Floyd album were it not for Robinson’s gravely vocals.

The straightforward instrumentation coupled with Bon Jovi-styled vocal harmonies on “Everything I’ll Ever Need” conjures images of a hundred ex-hair metal bands who, in the ’90s, were finally starting to calm down.

Muting the guitar’s part in the album was a side effect of emphasizing his vocal’s role in the songs, he said.

“[The guitars] weren’t intentionally subdued but that’s just the way it came out,” he said. “Vocal’s the most important part of the songs… The way I sing the songs sets the tone of the song.”

He pointed to “Armageddon Express” as proof he has no plans of burying his guitar anytime soon.

The song is a ZZ Top-style blues rock assault with all the over-the-top guitar stunts for which Robinson is known. “It’s the one big guitar song on the record,” he said.

Last December, when he had just begun recording the album, he said he hoped the album would help him form a new image as an adult performer.

“To sell out shows now, it’s not about crazy guitar solos being played by an 11-year-old kid,” he said. “It’s a lot more work now. In SoCal there’s 2,500 guitar players doing what I do. The hardest part’s defining myself from the others.”

After the Oct. 15 album release, Robinson will leave on a nationwide tour to give clinics at Guitar Center stores. His record label, 633 Music Group, is currently planning a nationwide tour of live performances, said Monte Willis, the label’s co-executive.

The Ben Robinson Band’s self-titled album will be available Oct. 15 on, and For more information on Robinson visit

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Ben is the November cover!

Stay tuned, Ben is going to be the cover for the November issue of the Carolina's top entertainment magazine!!

Thanks to the staff and to our friends at Golden Music Group, Noel and Andy for making this happen for Ben.

A special thanks goes out to Curtis and Rob at the magazine, thanks again guys!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Guitar Hero!

Recently John Mayer complained about Guitar Hero, stating in part that everyone should learn to play a real guitar and not pretend because in his words, "Nothing can come close to the feeling of playing a real guitar for a crowd".

When asked how he feels about the super hot game, Ben had this to say, "Are you kidding, the game rocks and the people who are great at it blow my mind, I have tried it, and it is tough. And being real about it, I wish EVERYONE could feel what I feel, but chances are most will not get to play at my level or the level that John has reached, so if they can even get close through playing Hero, I say more power to them, rock on". Ben adds, "It is my guess that quite a few people are going to be inspired to learn how to play a real instrument, and play well, I have no doubt about that"!

Hey, I think Armageddon Express would be perfect for Guitar Hero, don't you? If you know someone there give a call or an email and let them know how you feel.

Peace and Rock!!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Times Union!


Ben Robinson had his brush with stardom when he was only 12. He was on national TV just about every week as part of the Nickelodeon network's house band. He was playing in concerts as hotshot young guitar player, another blues prodigy.

Look on YouTube, and you can see him playing the Apollo Theatre when he was 16.Eventually, that came to an end, and he took a break from it all.

Now he's getting close again, and he's still only 22.He's one of 10 finalists for Guitar Player magazine's Guitar Superstar contest. Next week, he will fly to San Francisco to perform in front of the crowd and judges Joe Satriani, Steve Vai and Elliot Easton, pretty decent players in their own rights.

Andy Summers of The Police is the host.

Robinson spent much of childhood in Jacksonville before moving to California and doing the whole Nickelodeon thing. He's back living here now but has only played out a few times.Instead, he's been recording a CD, his third but the first for Jacksonville's 633 Records

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Late Show with David Letterman

Some have been asking when Ben will be back on the show. Well, we do have an open door, so after the CD is released, and we have a few promo events like Guitar Superstar, Fox in Orlando, and who knows what else is done, the call will be made.

They are VERY aware of what is going on.

We are also bugging the Leno folks, we would love to do the show with Jay, no offence to Conan, but Jay is the MAN!

If you feel Ben needs to be featured on a station in your city, just let us know.

Best from Ben and the rest of the team.

Guitar Center

A very special thanks goes out to our friends at Guitar Center! As some of you may know, Ben is at the beginning of a long productive relationship with GC starting with his endorsement of Laguna guitars.
"I chose Laguna because of the versatility, sound, affordability and quality workmanship of the model, lets be clear, I chose them, not the other way around. Turns out that is the kind of endorser GC was looking for, someone who was already using the guitars".

Ben uses both their electric and acoustic guitars.

Guitar Center has joined in the sponsorship of Guitar Player Magazine's Guitar Superstar event with the focus being on their Laguna brand.

More on GC soon.

Paul Shaffer

Paul recently commented on Ben, he said this: "Ben Robinson is a soulful guitar player – one of the best – at any age.” Paul Shaffer

The comment was a part of the media for the Guitar Superstar event.

Thanks Mr. Shaffer!

Temecula Valley News

Our great friends at TVN and Peter Surowski will be covering Ben's CD release party.

More on that soon.


The Florida Times Union

Ben was interviewed yesterday September 2nd, by Mr. Roger Bull of the the FTU, we will post the article as it becomes available.

Best to all!

Fox 24 Orlando

Ben will be appearing on the morning show at Fox 24 Orlando Florida, get ready to ROCK!
Ben will perform Heart of Stone and perhaps Armageddon Express.

More as we here it.

Peace and Love!

Ourstage Listening party!

Monday October 6th at 8 PM EST will be your first chance to hear all the tracks from Ben's new album. We will update you as we hear more.


Saturday, August 16, 2008

Media Advisory

Guitar Player’s Guitar Superstar Competition 2008 to take place in San Francisco on September 13

Andy Summers of The Police to Emcee; Joe Satriani, Steve Vai and Elliot Easton of the Cars among judges to select winner

Guitar Player’s Guitar Superstar Competition 2008, the premier international guitar playing contest for players of all ages and styles features ten finalists who will face-off in front of a panel of celebrity judges and a live audience in an event sponsored by Mesa/Boogie, MOOG, Epiphone, ZZYZX Snapjack Cables, and Sonicbids.

Date: Saturday, September 13, Doors Open 7:00pm
Venue: Great American Music Hall , San Francisco , CA
Tickets: Available on; $15 in advance, $20 at the door

Los Angeles, CA ▪ Mark Christian (Rockabilly/Roots)
Staten Island, NY ▪ Mike Orlando (Metal/Shred)
Fairview, NJ ▪ Vicki Genfan (Solo acoustic)
Norwalk, CT ▪ the guy (Fusion)
Honolulu, HI ▪ Makana (Solo acoustic)
Chicago, IL ▪ Daddo Oreskovich (Metal/Shred)
Sonoma, CA ▪ Eric Barnett (Rock/Jazz)
Fairview, PA ▪ Eric Brewer (Rock)
Temecula Ca. ▪ Ben Robinson (Blues)
Morton Grove, IL ▪ Dan Peters (Rockabilly/Roots)

Joe Satriani
Steve Vai
George Lynch
Elliot Easton of The Cars
Brendon Small of Dethklok and Adult Swim’s hugely successful Metalocalyse animated series.

Host: Andy Summers of The Police

Website: For more information, go to

You can read more about Ben Robinson here:

Nina Lesowitz :: Spinergy Group :: :: 510.547.8632 ::
P please consider the environment before printing this email

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

You will not believe the new album!

Ben and the gang have been writing and recording at a feverish rate for 3 months now and what is coming out of the studio is just crazy magic!

Everything from AC/DC to cold hard blues and 80's arena rock, this album is going to be a musical trip!

Mixing begins soon.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

The 2008 kick off show

Well it has been a while since the last post, I do have an excuse however..Ben has been workin me like an old mule!

So, here goes the update.

Most of you have heard the new songs, need I say more...well I will anyway...more great tunes are on the horison.

As to last nights show, just watch the film at was amazing!

Over two thousand new photos were taken, so keep an eye out for the new images.

We will coming to a venue near you very soon!

Thanks to Get Amped Magazine, Tim Hall, Les, Bradley and the rest of the staff at the venue last night. Great job guys.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Thanks to a great BR fan!

I saw Ben at a Harley-Davidson dealer show about 6 years ago.

He had a limited supply of CD's, and they sold out before I could get one. I would like to know how I can order his CD's.

Please drop me a line at and let me know how I can order his tunes.
Thanks in advance for the help,

Joe Fox

Wieblers Harley-Davidson
Davenport, Iowa

Joe, we thank you for the email and its guys like you who are going to help us get the word out!
Lets do the 105th Harley-Davidson celebration!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Studio Report

Ben is in the studio recording demo's from his last writing session and although no one is being allowed to hear the songs, your humble scribe was fortunate enough to sneak in to "deliver" the much needed pizza! Let me tell you, if it were posible to get a gorilla and a bull elephant on tape and throw in a little Godzilla I believe it would sound much like this! Just very powerful!

Stay tuned the demo's will be on the myspace page soon.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Laguna Guitars

Ben is always looking for instruments with a great tone that feel at home in his hands and his lastest, greatest find is Laguna Guitars.

Here is a little of their company mission:

A new breed of luthiers have come together to introduce Laguna Guitars -- instruments based on the philosophy that the best guitar designs flow from a single source: the needs of the player. It is a belief that drove them to set tradition aside, ignore the "but-that's-how-it's-always-been-done" approach, and instead listen to guitarists' voices and watch their hands. Asking a thousand different questions, in a thousand different ways helped Laguna forge a new kind of guitar design philosophy--one that is "player-driven." The result is a comprehensive line of acoustic and electric guitars that guitarists help to create.

Head down to the Guitar Center near you and test drive one of these beauties!
For more information visit their website, or do a Google for reviews and stories.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

New Songs

Ben, Bruce McCabe,and Robert Willis , wrote new 5 songs at their writing retreat on the beautiful beaches of Daytona.

I heard a couple of them in their raw form and I was very impressed, I believe you will be as well.

We will keep you informed as to studio dates and locations.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

It was a GREAT show at the Bank and Blues!

With producer David Z and Bruce McCabe, (the hit writer of Jonny Lang and Kenny Wayne Sheppards hits) in the house you know Ben just absolutely rocked. Aerosmith meets Clapton with Albert King alive and in one Ben Robinson is how one person described the event.

It was the first time in 8 years that Ben and Tony Tyler had played together and I can tell you, it was like they had been on the road together all these years, just hot. Tony had a new super bass player in his band when Ben jumped up to join him on Whipping post, sweet! Who knew?

Then Tony T. did a set that had the crowd going nuts, they look forward to hitting the road very soon.

The Bank and Blues was loaded with talent, just over the top. you should join Jeff Feadora and the gang there when you are in town!

Ben and Bruce McCabe are writing as I speak. Robert Willis will also be doing writing sessions with Ben, it was Robert who discovered Ben at a small club in Brunswick Georgia. Robert has worked with Greg Allman and Ric Wake among others.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Ben has a new Street Team Myspace page!

Kudo's to Bill our new National Myspace Street Team CEO!

Nice job Bill, an artist never makes it on his own, he is propelled by his on talent and desire and the love of those who both believe in them and put that belief into motion.

Ben thanks everyone for the push!

The link to the page is to your right on the blog.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Tony Royster Jr and Ben Robinson

Well, we got hold of music from way back when Ben and Tony were just we think 14. They had a weekend of fun, this was during the Nickelodeon time period.
You can hear the early brilliance.

It is an amazing to see how far they have come! Royster the drummer for Jay Z, P Diddy, Acon, Nas, Envogue, and so much more.

We know where Ben is now, one of the best young players in the universe!

It is a very strong possibility that Tony will be the drummer for Ben's upcoming tour! If you don't think that will be super outrageous, you just do not know. Watch the video of Tony with Jay Z, hey, listen to these tracks, he was superbad at 14!

Would you like to know where the young singer ended up or where he is? Stay tuned for news.

I have place a link to the myspace where the tracks are. Check the link section.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

We have a new National Myspace Street Team Leader!

Everyone welcome Mr. Bill Twomey

Here is a little bio of our new team member:

Bill is from Northern New Jersey and is a 19 year old college student majoring in information systems.

Bill had this to say, "When I'm not online, which I am most of the time, I'm usually out at concerts or listening to music. I'm a big fan of the Blues, mostly newer Blues/Rock like Joe Bonamassa. I was very lucky to come across Ben Robinson. I found him through Joe Bonamassa's MySpace".

Bill also happens to be the New Jersey Street Team leader for Mr.Bonamassa, blues royalty in the house!

Ben is a fan of Joe's and welcomes any of that pixie dust on his career.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Ben Robinson back at the Bank and Blues in Daytona Beach!

This just in: Ben will be rocking the Bank and Blues next Wedensday January 16!

The legendary producer David Z(now Ben's!), will be in the house, along with Bruce McCabe the pen behind many hits including Lie to Me(Jonny Lang), and several other hits for Kenny Wayne Sheppard.

We will be shooting as much video as possible, it should be fantastic, Jeff Fedora will be leading the band with the area's best muscians.

We hope to see you there.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Amazing News!

The University of Geogia Music Business Program will be promoting Ben.

Bruce Burch, the program's Administrative Director had this to say:

As a class project project we are going to promote Ben Robinson both on the web and in ground floor grass roots promotion. Our class will be working Face Book, Myspace, and blogging about Ben, on the ground they will placing posters, giving out flyers, calling radio, and any other aspect of promoting an artist. The promotion will culminate in a concert by Ben and the band. Ben Robinson is a great artist for the students to cut their teeth on, he is young, immensely talented, and he has a great team working with him, all essentials to a long productive career in the music business".
A venue has not been chosen as of yet, but will be announced very soon.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Ben wins over the toughest crowd in the world!

When Ben was just 16 years old he was invited to play the Apollo, most know this can be a very tough crowd to say the least.

A little kid playing the Apollo? Well it would be understandable if he were very afraid or perhaps even a little nervous. Yet not only was he not afraid, he blew them away, and he even had the crowd on their feet, for all of us who watch the show, you know that rarely ever happens. To get a standing O, you have to earn it at the Apollo!

Oh and Ben won!

Funny, he was not invited back, hmmm.....

Hello people, injustice here!

No worries, he will come a back as a headliner. Who knows, could be very soon.(Not so subtle hint to the Apollo).

They say if you can make it at the Apollo.....

Please excuse poor video quality.

It is placed as a suggested link to the right.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

The WRN ( Women Riders Now)

Women bikers in Southern California have known about Ben for some time, and they have been some of his biggest supporters. Ben also is very grateful for the support from Ms. Karen Davidson and the Harley Davidson Motorcycle group. He now has the opportunity to show his thanks in part with his support of the WRN.

The WRN was founded by Ms. Genevieve Schmitt to support, empower and educate both the women buyers of motor cycles and the industries that are benefiting from this relatively new but very powerful buying segment.

Did you know that one in 10 buyers of new motorcycles is a woman? More than 4.3 million women can operate a motorcycle. Talk about buying power and talk about the right time for WRN!

For the complete story please click on the WRN link, and watch for Ben on the site and perhaps at some of the WRN events across the nation.


Who is James Helman?

When speaking about James it would be a much less labor intensive task just to mention who he has NOT worked with! Mozart, and I believe Al Jolson, that's it just those two; now you may well ask, those guys are dead right? The short answer, James has worked with many dead people, nothing stands in his way. You don't have to have a pulse, just talent and a venue to play, and he is in!!

Check out his link, you will find Ben on his list of clients. No one does it better, and his track record proves it.

633 Music Group announces Joint Venture With Sound Kitchen

"Clint Simpson and Sound Kitchen Productions is the perfect fit for 633, states 633 partner Monte Willis, Clint is only interested in real artists and entertainers and that is evidenced in his present roster, which includes Mountain Heart and Cadillac Sky. He shares our feeling that it is the job of independents to sign artists that are doing something very special, not just another singer singing another song. Now more than ever, what this industry needs is fresh talent in the booking agency area, we have a few great companies like Buddy Lee and William Morris but it is a very short list. What makes it even tougher is the big agencies have to focus on those acts with hit records or a bankable sellable history, newer artists are left out in the cold. They end having to work at the Waffle House instead of being out on the road honing there craft. it is time for a new infusion of people like Clint". "Ben Robinson is a monster entertainer, and few artists have the power to move an audience like Ennis can, the calls are already coming in, it is going to be a fun ride"! Clint Simpson, Sound Kitchen Productions.